When a hotel hopes to attract repeat visitors, the guest’s overall experience is of the utmost importance. A positive review at the end of the stay is the key to attracting more customers. Discerning guests will take note of every detail that determines whether they enjoyed their stay or not. That doesn’t just include the obvious necessities, such as a comfortable bedroom, pleasant staff or good food, but also the hotel décor.
Check-In to Art
The old saying that first impressions count certainly rings true when it comes to the hotel entrance. Stepping into a bright, welcoming space will instantly put a guest at ease. One sure way of creating this ambience is with beautiful posters that can be sourced from the posterstore website. Their vast range of posters covers all styles and genres, from simple to sophisticated and more. Iconic images of Paris mingle with pretty florals and seaside landscapes.
Wanderlust on the Walls
Perhaps the hotel is looking to create a romantic atmosphere, ideal for couples to spend some time alone. At the Posterstore, there is an entire category dedicated to love and romance, with inspiring images and heartwarming quotes. If the hotel is in a well-known destination, a few beautiful posters of the city’s best sites will whet the guest’s appetite for exploration. They will also serve as a distraction if there happens to be a queue at the check-in desk.
The delight of poster art goes beyond mere decoration. It’s an important aspect of the guest experience, setting the tone for the entire stay. A poster can evoke a sense of the hotel’s location or fire up the imagination for what lies ahead. Yes, think of the poster as a silent ambassador for the hotel’s brand!